Dengue fever - Diagnosis & treatment


Diagnosing dengue fever can be tough because its symptoms and signs are easily confused with those of other ailments like malaria, leptospirosis, and typhoid fever.

Dengue fever - Diagnosis & treatment
Dengue fever
Your doctor will probably ask about your health and travel history.  Make certain to describe international excursions in detail, such as the states that you visited and the dates, in addition to any contact you might have had with mosquitoes.

Certain laboratory tests can find proof of the dengue viruses; however test results generally return too late to help guide therapy choices.


Your physician may advise that you drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration from vomiting and a high fever.

While recovering from dengue fever, watch for symptoms and signs of dehydration.  Call your Physician Straight Away in the Event That You develop any of these:
1. Decreased urination
2. Dry lips or mouth 
3. Lethargy or confusion

In Case You Have severe dengue fever, then You Might want:

  • Supportive care in a hospital
  • Intravenous (IV) fluid and electrolyte substitute
  • Blood pressure tracking
  • Transfusion to replace blood loss
Dengue fever - Diagnosis & treatment

Preparing for your appointment

You'll probably start by visiting your primary care provider.  However, you may also be referred to a physician who specializes in infectious diseases.

Because appointments could be short, and because there's frequently a great deal of ground to cover, it's a fantastic thought to be well-prepared to your appointment.  Below 's some information that will assist you to get prepared, and also what to expect from the physician.

Everything you can do
  • Write down any signs you're undergoing, including any that might appear irrelevant to the cause of that you scheduled the appointment.
  • Write down vital private info.  Organize your global travel background, together with dates and states visited, and drugs are taken while vacationing.  Bring a listing of your immunizations, such as pre-travel vaccinations.
  • Create a list of your medicines.  Contain any supplements or vitamins that you take frequently.

 Preparing a list of questions can help you make the most of your time with your physician.  List your queries from most significant to least important if time runs out.

For dengue fever, a few fundamental questions to ask your doctor include:
  1. What's the most probable reason for my symptoms?
  2. What kinds of tests do I want?
  3. What therapies are available?
  4. Just how long is it until I'm feeling better?
  5. Are there any long term consequences of the illness?
  6. Have you got any brochures or other printed material I can take home with me?  What sites would you recommend?
Things to expect from the Physician 

Be prepared to answer inquiries from the physician, for example:
  1. When did your symptoms start?
  2. Have your symptoms been constant or intermittent?
  3. How severe are the symptoms?
  4. Does anything appear to create your symptoms worse or better?
  5. Where have you traveled in the last month?
  6. Have you been bitten by fleas while traveling?
  7. Have you ever been in contact lately with anybody who had been sick?

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